Housing Resources
Aging Population
Alzheimer's Association Senior Housing Finder
- Click on Housing Options to find assisted living places, continuous retirement care communities, independent living locations, and skilled nursing facilities.
Illinois Area Agencies on Aging
- Information on the 13 Area Agencies on Aging in Illinois, which have the primary task of planning and coordinating services and programs for older people in their respective areas.
Illinois Supportive Living Program
- Personal care and other services in an alternative to a nursing home for low-income, older persons and persons with physical disabilities under Medicaid.
Emergencies, Natural Disasters
Energy Efficiency, Utility Assistance, and Lead Prevention
Experiencing Homelessness
Fair Housing Rights
City of Chicago Commission on Human Relations
- Charged with enforcing the Chicago Human Rights Ordinance and the Chicago Fair Housing Ordinance.
Illinois Human Rights Commission
- Information on the Illinois Human Rights Commission's mission to adjudicate complaints of civil rights violations in employment, real property transactions, access to financial credit and public accommodations.
Illinois Department of Human Rights
- Administers the Illinois Human Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status (with regard to employment), familial status (with regard to real estate transactions), age, marital status, physical or mental disability, military status, unfavorable military discharge, and sexual orientation.
Reasonable Accommodations and Modifications Guidebook
- Resource that provides examples and case studies to explain how a person can request a reasonable modification or accommodation to improve accessibility for all disabilities.
Home Modifications Funding
Illinois Home Modification Program
- Illinois Housing Development Authority offers funding to rehab single family homes and add accessibility improvements to allow residents to stay in their homes.
Housing Rehabilitation Program
- Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) issues grants to local communities to help improve homes of low-to-moderate income residents in owner-occupied single-family homes.
Homeownership Assistance and Counceling
VA Home Loans
- Homeownership Program for Veterans and Active Service Personnel. Loan offers significantly below market homeownership financing and counseling.
Homeownership Programs
- Administered by Illinois Housing Development Authority these programs fund below-market mortgages, down payment and closing cost assistance and buying a vacant or foreclosed home.
HUD-approved Housing Counseling Agencies in Illinois
- Housing Counseling Agencies can assist with fair housing issues, rental housing guidance, home buying guidance, budgeting, improving credit score strategies, and many other home related topics.
Illinois Office of the Treasurer Finally Home Program
- Another program that assists future and current homebuyers to secure or refinance their mortgages.
Legal Rights and Services
Living with a Disability
Long Term Care
Other Housing Search Sites
Other Affordable and Supportive Housing Programs